How To Turn Your Mess Into Your Message

Create the most powerful stories.

Kristina God, MBA


Turn your mess into your message. Girl with sunglasses.
made with Canva by Kristina God

You’re lying on the floor. Crying.

Your stomach is in knots.

Your heart is beating wildly.

Well, everybody has got something.

Unemployment, divorce, an abusive relationship, cancer, or (mental) health issues.

When I started my Medium coaching sessions in autumn 2021, a business coach and friend of mine said:

You’ll see. In the beginning, your Medium coaching sessions will be about the nitty gritty. As soon as you have a personal connection, they’ll tell you their messy stories behind writing online.

She was right.

I got patients on TV.

I even encourage my coachees to share stories that are a little bit messier.

One of America’s most beloved broadcasters and cancer survivors, Robin Roberts from ‘Good Morning America’, loves to say

Make your mess your message.

Yes! In my opinion, nothing replaces the human connection.

I started my corporate career in an international agency called Edelman. I became a Public Relations consultant.



Kristina God, MBA

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: