How To Understand And Use Attention To Your Advantage.

For our life, work, and writing

Aldric Chen


Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

No, I am not Gary Vee. I am not going to preach that we need to be omnipresent on all social media platforms. What he says makes sense, and there are also many other nuggets of wisdom that makes sense. We can listen to what he says, and we can listen to others too.

When it comes to attention, I agree with the Greats that it precedes everything. Imagine heading into a meeting with a client we have never met. We arrived on time and was brought to the meeting room. The door opens. And we hear this.

“Ah, Aldric. The man is in the house!”

Now, of course, that doesn’t happen to me all the time. I am writing this example because it happens to me occasionally, although I would like it to be more frequent than it is today. I want to make a case in point. When people know us, life is so much easier.

That is because we no longer need to do any self-introduction or break-the-ice. We can jump straight into the “How is your day”/ “These are great cookies!” and then start our meeting proper.

Heck, I think there really isn’t any need to introduce what we do, what businesses we run, and what values we stand. People already know us!



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.