How To Understand Solar Storms and How it Impacts our Ascension Into 5D.

What are they? and what you need to know.

Cee Cee


Screenshot solar flare by me. courtesy of Space weather App.

If you are spiritual and awakened, you may be aware of solar storms. Or you could also be following and taking more notice of the current influx of storms reaching the earth over the past few days.

Earth has been receiving the impact of solar storms for many centuries. It is not new by any means. What is occurring is the acceleration at which the atmospheric conditions are approaching our whole world. And the severity in which it happens. In particular, the strength of the solar winds.

Maybe you have gained awareness recently of the effect these storms are having on our 3rd-dimensional bodies. More importantly, the new and ever-evolving vibrational frequency of the energy of our body and our planet.

Solar Flares and Geo Magnetic storms are an essential part of our ascension. The earth and the solar storms transmit frequencies from one to the other. Within this frequency is the code to set the ascension process in motion, and a domino effect occurs.

To gather an understanding of all the technical terms you may hear when solar storms are discussed on social media or otherwise, I have included below a glossary to assist.



Cee Cee

Spirituality, Wellness and Holistic Interior Design blending both to heal the body, mind, spirit & Soul. Join my new publication Zen & Soul