How to Unleash Your Creative Genius

Creativity is the fuel that ignites innovation

Stan Khan
7 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Creativity is more than an art; it’s the vibrant spark that ignites the flame of innovation.

It’s an innate quality that resides within each of us, fuelling our imagination and driving the wheels of progress.

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the essence of creativity, uncover its impact, and share practical tips to harness its power in everyday life.

Everyday Creativity: A Tale of Lies and Excuses

The seeds of creativity are sown in our daily lives. Think of a white lie, that’s an exercise in creativity.

You think about a way to twist the truth. I still want to meet the person who never lied.

Then there are excuses. If we don’t want to do something, we can very quickly come up with interesting excuses, drawing on our inherent creativity.

These acts, though trivial, exercise our creative faculties. It challenges us to manipulate reality in subtle ways.

It’s a testament to the pervasive nature of creativity and our inherent ability to generate novel solutions.

Childhood: The Creative Playground

When I reflect on my childhood memories, I think of the hours spent sketching drawings.

Or the miniature worlds I constructed for my toy cars. As a teenager piecing together word puzzles was a favourite pastime.

I am sure you have similar fond memories of creative play.

These activities weren’t just play; they were the foundations of creative thinking.

As children, we are at our most creative, uninhibited by the constraints that often plague us as adults.

Now, closer to what we believe it means to be creative.

The Essence of Creativity

So, what is creativity?

My simple definition is…

the act of stimulating the brain to come up with interesting and alternative ways of doing a thing or conceptualizing an idea.

At its core, creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, and patterns. It helps us to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations.

It’s the process of taking an abstract idea and transforming it into something tangible — be it a musical composition, a groundbreaking invention, or a captivating story.

It is about taking an idea and fashioning it into a concrete plan, design, or artifact.

The following quote highlights the idea that each person has unique creative treasures within them, and the journey of creativity is about discovering and bringing those treasures to light.

The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all and then stands back to see if we can find them.

“Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert

It could be music melody, harmony, and lyrics. It could be an article, a story, or a speech.

It could be an invention that solves a practical problem.

This was the case with the light bulb, the steam engine, and today, blockchain and artificial intelligence.

How can we fuel our creativity?

Fuelling Your Creative Fire

Creativity comes naturally in a state of ‘flow’.

This is when you are open to ideas that seem to flow effortlessly, open to boundless possibilities.

…when you are not constrained by what you see in front of you.

This is when you look beyond the obvious. Where you look outside the proverbial box to other perspectives.

One way is to observe and get inspiration from a completely mundane situation.

The shape of a flower, the movement and sound of a bird. The discipline lines that ants move about, anything to draw inspiration from.

This triggers ideas for experimentation.

You can also try different combinations of material, colours, sound waves, or patterns.

There are a lot of clues in nature and the environment.

Creative demands that we must observe and be mindful.

The Symbiosis of Thinking and Creativity

Thinking and creativity are inseparable allies.

To think is to create, and to create is to think. Creativity and thinking go hand in hand. You cannot be creative without thinking. And when you think, it’s an act of creativity.

I find the best way to think about creativity is to ask yourself questions.

Go beyond the obvious responses and think deeper and wider.

Someone that I worked with recently reminded us to keep asking “So what”.

Another common way is to keep asking “Why”. As you do that, you are thinking more deeply about the idea.

Asking questions is itself an act of creativity. The more questions you ask, the more creative you are.

The Creative Process: A Structured Approach

Documenting your creative journey is crucial.

Jot down ideas, sketch, connect concepts, and look for patterns.

This practice not only preserves your fleeting thoughts but also helps in recognizing connections and gaps, leading to new insights and directions.

A good practice is to do this on a piece of paper or whiteboard.

If you don’t do that, many of your ideas will be mere fleeting thoughts that come and go.

Write down words, and phrases, and sketch objects.

Link them together. Highlight them and colour them. Look for patterns, structures, and hierarchies.

You will identify connections and gaps, leading to new insights and paths.

Brainstorm this for a few minutes until you run out of ideas and get stuck.

Come back later and you will find new perspectives to refine your concept.

As you go about your business, some ideas will spring to mind.

Stop right there and note it down on your phone note app before that idea disappears.

At this point, you can go through what you have come up with, and order and group things in a way that makes sense to you.

And now, suddenly, you have a creation, a framework, an outline, a design, a concept, a plan.

It may not be the finished article, or product yet, but it has never taken shape.

The Benefits of Cultivating Creativity in Our Daily Lives

The benefits of cultivating creativity are indisputable.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

Creative thinking is the lifeblood of problem-solving.

It empowers us to view challenges through a new lens, finding paths that might otherwise remain hidden.

Fostering Innovation

The outcome of creativity is innovation.

We see it in the arts and technology.

Nurturing creativity is like sowing seeds that grow to become innovative solutions.

Increasing Self-Expression and Self-Awareness

Creativity forced us to dig deep.

It lets us express our deepest thoughts and feelings, fostering a greater understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Boosting Mental Well-Being and Stress Reduction

Creativity is fuel for the mind, feeding our soul.

It provides a break from the stress of everyday life, promoting mental well-being and emotional balance.

Understanding the Barriers to Creativity

Fear of Failure and Perfectionism

The quest for perfectionism often stifles creativity.

Learning to see failure as an opportunity for growth can free up a creative spirit.

Limited Thinking and the Status Quo

Breaking free from conventional thinking is essential.

Creativity thrives when we step beyond the usual patterns and dare to be different.

Lack of Time and Daily Routine

Our daily grind can leave little room for creative pursuits.

We must actively set aside time to use our creative faculties.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset for Creative Thinking

Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Creative thinking requires that we explore ideas, some of which will fail.

A growth mindset means embracing failure as an opportunity for growth and course correction.

Developing a Curiosity-Driven Approach

We can rekindle our sense of wonder and curiosity which in turn leads us to new ideas and possibilities.

Seeking Diverse Perspectives and Cross-Domain Thinking

Creativity tends to flourish in diversity.

Combining different perspectives and knowledge areas can lead to unexpected new solutions.

Stimulating the Creative Juices

Engaging in Creative Outlets and Hobbies

Immersing ourselves in creative activities and hobbies provides fertile ground for the imagination and a boost to our creative energy.

Connecting with Like-Minded People and Building Creative Communities

There’s something special about a community of like-minded people.

Connecting with others who share a creative passion can stimulate our own creative efforts.

Finding Inspiration from Art, Nature, and Different Cultures

There is an abundance of objects in nature to spark our creativity.

We just need to look for it. You will find it a painting, a mountain range, or a different way of life.

Unleashing the Power of Divergent Thinking

Expanding Our Perspective on Failure

Redefining failure as a formative experience can shift our mindset to one that embraces challenges as opportunities to grow.

Aiming for Progress, Not Perfection

The pursuit of perfection can be paralyzing.

Aiming for progress recognizes that the journey is as important as the destination.

Embracing the Concept of ‘Failing Forward’

The notion of ‘failing forward’ is about leveraging setbacks to propel us ahead, learning and evolving as we go.

Leveraging Failure as an Opportunity for Growth and Learning

Each failure is a lesson to be learned.

By extracting wisdom from our missteps, we set ourselves up for future success.

Breaking Free from the Limitations of the Status Quo

Challenging Conventional Wisdom and Questioning Assumptions

The status quo remains unchallenged only until creativity asks, “What if?”

Questioning the norm is the first step toward transcending it.

Encouraging a Culture of Open-Mindedness and Experimentation

A culture that values open-mindedness and experimentation is a breeding ground for creative thought and action.

Embracing Change and Adapting to New Ideas and Perspectives

Change is the only constant.

Embracing it, and the new ideas that come with it, is essential for a growth mindset.


We have seen that creativity is not a single act but a process. It is about thinking and asking questions.

It is about ideas and concepts and building on them to come up with something more concrete, something meaningful.

Ultimately, the result is a piece of art, music, a product, an article.

The benefits of creativity are clear, but we need to understand the barriers.

Having a growth mindset helps so does feeding our creative juices with mundane things around us.



Stan Khan

Advocate for transforming dreams into reality | Writing about Business Development bridging Sales & Marketing | Sharing success principles for business & life.