How to Use a Christmas Carol to Drive Your Personal Change

Use this classic tale to affect lasting change.

Erik Burger


A Christmas Carol by Dawn Hudson. From PublicDomainPictures.

Personal development is hard. That’s because personal development requires us to change. And people resist change for many reasons. It’s scary. It’s a lot of work. It may require you to be different. You might need to sweat in public. Or hug people who smell.

If you’d summarize all these reasons in a single word, it’d be pain.

Here’s the problem: most people won’t change until the pain of not changing becomes too great. A classic story illustrates this:

A farmer was on his way home when he passed his neighbor who was sitting on the porch of his home. Beside him lay a dog, curled up and whimpering in pain. The farmer approached his neighbor. “Hiya neighbor, I noticed your dog seems in pain. What is the matter?”

His neighbor looked at the dog. “You’re right, he is in pain. He’s sitting on a nail.”

The farmer was perplexed. “But why doesn’t he just get up?! Clearly, it hurts a lot!”

His neighbor shrugged. “I guess because it’s not hurting enough yet.”

People won’t change until the pain of not changing becomes too great.



Erik Burger

Poly-passionate. Coder, writer, technical lead, coach. Also into mindset, fitness, productivity, finance and personal development.