How Do You Use The Fantastic Four To Reach The Next Flight Level In Your Life?

3. Drag: Pain

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


I love airplanes. As a kid, I remember looking up to the sky and wondering: “How is this possible?” whenever I saw a plane above my head in Dakar, Sénégal, West Africa.

Then, my journey brought me to an aeronautical engineering school where the magic of flying was passed upon me.

Here is a picture summarising the magic in the air:

© Ahmadou DIALLO

The weight: resulting from the force of gravity.

The lift: resulting from the actions of the wings.

The drag: the force opposing the plane’s motion in the flight direction.

The thrust: the force that moves the plane in the flight direction.

Let’s make a parallel with our life.

Imagine yourself being an airplane flying in the sky of your life.

What is the equivalent of those forces?

This is the model that I came up with.

1. Weight: Short term



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

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