How to Watch a Pot Boil and Set Yourself Up for the Day

Watching the kettle boil is a seemingly time-wasting, boring moment. But it can set you up for the day and lead to inspiration…

robert porter


Old-fashioned black kettle boiling
Photo by Rookie Ape on Unsplash

A watched pot never boils, they say: meaning that when you’re focussed on a boiling kettle, the kettle takes an age seemingly to boil.

I know how it feels, you’re dying for that morning cup of coffee, and you must gather around the coffee point and watch the kettle boil.

If there’s a group of you waiting for the kettle, perhaps the water will have run out by the time it gets to your turn, and you’re concerned that you might have to wait for a second kettle to boil.

If you’re feeling frustrated and edgy and that you’re wasting ten minutes of your time, then don’t.

Take a deep breath and relax and change your mindset.

Change your mindset to what?

If you are dancing from toe to toe, thinking uncharitable thoughts about the coffee and the others queuing for it, then just take ten seconds to block out all the cares of the world and imagine yourself dancing in an Alpine meadow full of buttercups — like something out of The Sound of Music I suppose.



robert porter

Top writer in MOVIES, Robert writes on self-improvement, mental health, conservation, movie reviews, screenwriting and (God-forbid!) bagpipes.