How to Write Top-Notch Newsletters Your Readers Are Dying To Read

3 Tips from Tim Denning.

Francis Ekwunife
4 min readJun 18, 2024


Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

I went on a trip with my family this weekend.

And it was a blast.

We went swimming. We also went to the gym.

And best of all, we saw a sea lion show.

I’ve learnt from experience and the pros how to write top-notch newsletters readers are dying to read.

Now, I want to share how you can do the same.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

How to #1: Add life experiences.

Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

The first way to write top-notch newsletters your readers are dying to read is to add your life experiences.

Adding your life experiences into your newsletters makes reading them interesting and keeps your readers wanting more.

You need to go out and experience life. Your readers will believe you more if you add life experiences to your newsletters.

“You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script.” — Oprah Winfrey

200,000+ people and I love reading Tim Denning’s newsletter because he adds his life experiences to his newsletters, which makes it interesting.

I’m always dying to read his newsletters because he makes them top-notch by adding his life experiences.

I also make my newsletters top-notch and interesting by adding my life experiences, like in this intro.

How I do it:

  • I force myself to try new things even if I feel scared.
  • I force myself to say yes and try different things with my family and friends even if I feel nervous.
  • Because I know I’ll enjoy it in the end and I can add it to my newsletters.

How to #2: Write about what interests you

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

To write top-notch newsletters your readers are dying to read, you must write what you’re passionate about.

It’s your newsletter, so be comfortable with your readers.

Write confidently about what interests you, the right people will come and they will tell you what they like. People will like what you enjoy.

“Write the kind of story you would like to read. If you are not writing something you like, no one else will like it either.” — Meg Cabot

Tim Denning likes writing about his life experiences and making money through writing, and his readers love it.

I like writing self-improvement and Christian newsletters, which my readers are dying to read.

How I do it:

  • I consistently write newsletters I’m passionate about to attract the right audience.
  • I write with confidence and listen to my readers' needs.
  • I make my newsletters valuable to my readers.

How to #3: Transform your mindset

Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

You must have a limitless mindset to write top-notch newsletters your readers are dying to read.

Don’t believe you’re a failure, believe in yourself.

Learn continuously by reading books, and the newsletters of the pros, like Tim Denning. Buy their courses and invest in yourself.

“It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.”— Warren Buffett

I’ve learnt so much from the pros.

Learning from their experiences has molded me into the writer I am today and I’m grateful for them.

Pros, like Tim Denning, are why I can write top-notch newsletters my readers are dying to read.

How I do it:

  • I read the blog posts of the pros online.
  • I also sign up for their newsletters and read them.
  • I buy and read their books and courses. I invest in myself and adopt their mindset.

How to write top-notch newsletters your readers are dying to read:

  • Make your newsletters interesting to your readers by adding your life experiences.
  • Write what interests you and what you’re passionate about.
  • Invest in yourself. Transform your mindset by reading the works of the pros.

You have the power to write addicting newsletters your readers crave.

Use these points to unlock that power and become a force in your readers’ minds.

What point did you like best? Tell me why in the comments.

Join dozens of other smart people who receive my newsletters on self-improvement here!



Francis Ekwunife

Growing my newsletter to 10,000 subs + $10k/month. Showing writers and businesses how to grow theirs. Free email course: