How Tony Blair Got Away With His Alleged War Crimes

All very simple when you know how it’s done

Argumentative Penguin


Tony Blair meets Ukraine PM Volodymyr Groysman in 2018 CREDIT: Wikipedia CC

Everyone’s favourite silver-haired rogue has been back in the news recently after an announcement that he’s joining the Queen’s inner circle of bezzies. Not content with having sex-offenders in the family, she’s offering stockings, suspenders and other regal leg-based paraphernalia to anyone doing dodgy shit in the early 2000s.

Step forward Tony. What next? The Gillian McKeith foundation for nutritional deviance?

Ex-Prime Ministers are often given knighthoods and bits of Devon for keepsies and it seems Tony ‘Don’t mention the War’ Blair is to be no exception. There’s one problem… almost everyone in the nation hates him. There are child sex offenders in prison who wouldn’t share a cell with him.

That’s how popular the man is.

It’s quite a feat really. Objectively he did more for the average man on the street than most of the soporific twats who pre-dated him and the lunatics who followed, so why is he so reviled?

Don’t mention the war.

I was one of a great number of people who protested the war back in 2003. I was out and about, came face to face with a police horse in Bristol for my sins. I’m allergic to horses so it was genuinely…



Argumentative Penguin

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