How Using Mindfulness Made Me Double My Productivity

5 techniques I didn’t believe in until I tried them and saw they do work

Paco Cantero


A deep and meaningful life is just the sum of thousands of “stupid little tiny things” performed together.

When I understood and believed in that, I began the way to fulfillment, which always ends up in happiness.

At the beginning, I was an unbeliever

I’ve always been skeptical but, as soon as I changed my mindset from that position, is when I did really grow in life.

I understood that I needed to give things a chance to fail. Even to myself.

I first heard about mindfulness in 2010, when a friend of mine told me he had been practicing it in a retreat.

It sounded odd to me, and I perfectly remember what I thought: “Another stupid thing to sell to stressed people”.

Yes, that was me not so long time ago. Once again, I was wrong.

From that day on, I started hearing, reading, and seeing mindfulness everywhere.



Paco Cantero

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