How Victor Lustig's "10 Commandments for Conmen" Will Make You a Better Communicator

90% of the commandments will also work in business and create a more positive environment.

Chris Soschner


DALL-E picture prompted by author

Want to be more persuasive? Forget those corporate training seminars — take a masterclass from Victor Lustig, the conman’s conman.

His ’10 Commandments’ weren’t just for scamming people…they’re surprisingly potent communication hacks for anyone.

A familiar scenario:

“What happened?” Claus asked his business partner, Victor, who emerged from a tense meeting clearly agitated.

“I completely lost it,” Victor admitted. “We started fighting over a minor contract point, and I told him his idea was idiotic and to f*** off. I doubt he’ll ever speak to us again.”

Claus was shocked.

His partner was usually the picture of composure. “What went wrong? That’s not like you.”

“I don’t know,” Victor confessed. “We disagreed on a political topic, and from then on, he attacked everything I said. He argued, insulted me, even mocked me. After 30 minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore…”

Sound familiar? Friendships ruined, relationships shattered…all because of a heated…



Chris Soschner

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