How Visiting a Cemetery Will Let You Understand the True Meaning of Life

Visiting loved ones is a bliss

Maryam Merchant


Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash

We all go to the cemetery to visit our loved ones. It’s a sacred place full of religious devotion. We give respect to our people by visiting their grave. We honor them for whoever they were and for the teachings they imbibed in us. It’s a place where we recall all those memories and find peace and tranquility.

I went today to visit my grandparents. Our family often go and visit our loved ones. It’s a ritual that has been educated in us from our ancestors. We went and sat by the grave for a few moments. The remembrance of all those memories came as a flashback in front of my eyes.

All those teachings. The fun we had. The lessons they taught us. Everything came in front of our eyes. It’s beautiful to recall all those and give homage to them. To grief a little and to let them know that we remember them.

There is something beautiful when you go there. I can’t describe but it is something which is felt by the heart. When you touch that stone there is some connection that is generated between you and your loved ones. You could sense something pious. It’s not just about feelings but it’s also about religious obligations.

The things we always do when we visit them



Maryam Merchant

Data Scientist | Love to write | Family First | Lot to learn from life | Taking one step at a time