
How We Motivate Our Kids To Exercise — Part 2

My kids still walk 15,000 steps a day and we’ve learned, and relearned, so much along the way.

Anthony C. Fireman
Published in
5 min readSep 2, 2020


No more bullshit. That’s what I said while I watched my kids watch whatever the hell it is they were watching.

That’s we, earlier this year, after the pandemic began, I wrote about a fitness program I created for my kids.

My wife and I were concerned our little ones would sit home all summer and become a couple of chip-eating, Netflixian couch bums. So we instituted a rule that they had to walk 15,000 steps before they received any screen time.

As it turns out, we are learning a great deal.

One such lesson is that my 10-year-old son and 7-year old daughter understand the nature of consequences outside the realm of shame that may often come with making mistakes.

And that is the beauty of video games. The mundanity of offline life is a great motivator.

For instance, one day, my daughter had 7500 steps in the early afternoon. She opted to read a book over completing her regiment.

After dinner, she asked for a break because it was late and she was tired and just wanted to relax and…

