How Non-Profits Can Come to Thrive

Philip Siddons
Published in
7 min readAug 8, 2022


They just need to pair resources with the need.

Image Julia Cameron of Volunteers in a Loft with Donations by Julia M. Cameron on in Pexels

Your organization might be involved in social justice. It might be a church, synagogue, or temple. Even if your non-profit is well established and well connected with a national affiliate, the needs are the same. With the stresses of the pandemic causing further erosion in attendance and participation, the needs have become even more pressing. How can it thrive amidst these challenges?

Assessing The Need

1. People want to feel they belong and are needed. We search for opportunities to contribute our talents and experiences for the benefit of others. (One stark differentiation between non-profits and businesses is the latter adds “to make money” to the end of the previous sentence.)

2. We’re involved not only for a sense of belonging. We could get that by just joining a gang — purely tribal as a desperate attempt to not only survive but also dominate and conquer. On the contrary, we want to learn and grow in our life’s journey. That’s why non-profits are values-laden assemblies that involve teaching and community service. The values implicit in not-for-profit organizations are about being open, inclusive, and wanting to create good for as many as possible.

3. Knowing that people want to be known, accepted, and valued for their…



Philip Siddons

Working to create egalitarian communities which seek gender, racial & economic justice. | |