How Wishes Fulfilled Can Still Cause Soul Bankruptcy

Kalyn BR
Published in
5 min readApr 2, 2024

Make YOUR Dreams Come True

Photo by Author

Ava had it all… She went through everything she had now:

Love- the second marriage, where she hadn’t made the same mistake. No one was going to put her on a budget again!

Success- The glamours business that she’d worked hard at and made successful.

She had made lifestyle decisions to make the best of her health, her home, and any other limitations.

Yes, Ava clearly had it all.

When she spoke to people, she was proud of herself. Years ago, people had ignored her, and thought little of her. Now they listened, they admired her, and she liked feeling significant.

Indeed, all was well.

The home upgrade made it even better.

Still… something nagged at her from inside. What could that be? Sometimes she could make lists of what was good, or not great, and make the nagging go away.

They were a few, of those nagging moments, when unexplained feelings of sadness crept in. But they were coming more frequently. How could that be?

Ava had created everything she didn’t have previously so that she would be so happy now.

“I have it all,” she insisted. What could she be missing? What else did she possibly need to feel good about herself and enjoy her life?

External Monitoring: Gave Her The Idea She Had It All

One of life’s greatest challenges is finding out what makes you tick; and what is meaningful, fun, and significant to you. Because there are no instructions for how to live a good life, and no road map, sometimes people look outside of themselves for their guidance.

A teacher, coach, or guru can point you in the right direction to connect deeply with yourself. Otherwise, society in general is always happy to provide ideas on how you should live your life and what you should do to be successful and happy. Of course, the difficulty is that we are all unique. Strawberries may remind one person of their life-threatening allergies and at the same time, they may remind another of the best strawberry shortcake they ever had.

External monitoring happens when we define and allow our lives to be guided by ideas, people, or external things, that may have no connection to us. They may tell us to eat strawberries despite our allergy! They are ideas based on what an influencer or someone else you give meaning, and power, to may think.

When it comes to life, it is personal.

While you aren’t supposed to take what others say or do personally, life is the opposite. Your life is being hand-crafted for and by you and your Source (or your I AM, Soul- whatever you call this force). On the one hand, that makes it the easiest for you to tap into when it comes to guidance, but on the other hand, people always have a hard time connecting with their own innermost desires, thoughts, and feelings.

Often, it’s a lot easier to look to someone else who says they are happy and adapt their technique for happiness than it is to spend the time meditating and connecting deeply with your own desires and guidance.

But, there is only one way to guarantee that you’ll be happy, that you will make the choices and create the things in life that will fulfill you and make you truly joyful. Tap into your own desires. This is what Ava didn’t do, tap into her own true desires.

Tapping into your desire is so easy, children do it all the time. Unfortunately, many of us adults were conditioned into denying our desires so that they are nebulous, unclear, or all but cut off to us now.

Only One Road

Nevertheless, we either start to feel our way in the dark as we seek to connect with our desires, or we lead a blind life. The right job, the right relationship — these can only come when you are connected with yourself, and your desires. When you go deep into yourself, as you might in a meditation.

The correct choices for you in your life are, unfortunately, rarely obvious. Sometimes our desires seem illogical, odd, or foreign to others. This can make them hard to follow, as they often don’t seem to make sense, or they don’t seem like they will make you happy. But they do.

The other option is to an external monitor. Make the choices for a hot relationship, a successful career and even having people tell you that you’re all that!

The only problem is that you can work hard, and create the life of someone else’s dreams but you’ll still be left with the nightmare of your unhappiness because it’s not what we do, it’s what our desires are that makes us.

“You are what you desire-” Deepak Chopra

Desires: True Desires Or Empty Echoes

Desire- the etymology is old French and old Latin and means ‘of the stars’ or of God. True desires are divine. They connect you to God (or divine aspects).

There are also empty echoes of desires or false desires. These come from a lack within us. They can come because of our conditioning; Ava is a good example of this. The lack she experienced in life and her upbringing caused her to think that having money and a sexy marriage would make her happy.

False desires can come from our karma, an energetic hole in us that keeps us grasping at ideas about what will make us happy and feel validated. Our egos are quick to convince us that having people hanging on our every word or flattering us will make us better or make us feel better.

When we external monitor and allow the world, our wounds, or other issues to dictate what we think we desire, we end up struggling.

Don’t Go Soul-Bankrupt

Ava created her life to try to be happy. The problem was that her creation came from ideas that she’d gotten in life. Ideas in life are in the past. Your Soul, on the other hand, is ever-eternal or now.

Your Soul has a plan for you and it comes across via your desires. If my friend had tuned into her desires, it is likely that she would have made different choices in manifesting her dream life. Ideas about what should make you happy may sound “right” but they often wear thin. True desires, once fulfilled, continue to make you feel like you are at your best.

When these don’t come from your Soul, they tend to make you happy for a brief amount of time and, like an iceberg salad that is mostly water, they tend to leave you almost hungrier than you had been.

Without being true to yourself, no amount of money, love, or success will keep your spirit from going bankrupt. And that contradictory feeling of a successful life and an empty soul is heart-breaking and can tear you apart.

Know yourself and know what will make you happy. Connect with your desires on a regular basis. Make sure your desires are clear and not polluted by external ideas, and then follow these.

Whether you lead a simple life or one with a home, the love, the success, doesn’t matter. Ultimately, what makes your soul sing is all that matters, and that will elevate any experience.

Your Soul’s song is yours; it is unique and no one else can hear it. Time to listen deeply!



Kalyn BR

Helping People Live Their Dreams As Intuitive Retreat Leader: US, Mexico & Bali, On-going Groups & Author (10 Books incl. Shamanic Egg Cleansing) | Flowing.Zone