How Working From Home Has Impacted My Life So Far

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

A. Aud


Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

As a result of the pandemic, I’ve been working from home since last spring.

While it’s lonely and sometimes pretty damn miserable, I really can’t complain — I recognize I’m extremely lucky to still have my job in a moment when so many are losing their livelihood.

With that said, working from home really is a mixed bag. Many are singing its praises, and just as many think it’s simply the worst. Ultimately, it comes down to many factors — extroversion, family situation, work setup, and support from one’s employer.

I’ve mostly been working from home by myself, sharing the household with no one, other than, at times, my boyfriend — and it’s been ups and downs. Before the pandemic, I was an advocate of normalizing working from home more frequently than we were allowed to. However, the general consensus was that if you were home working, you probably weren’t achieving much.

Now that I’ve been working this way for months, I got to get used to all the new life dynamics that come with the situation. Some are great. Some a little less.

I experience fewer interruptions and can focus better.

