How Would You Spend $5 Billion?

My Ideas for a Better World

Alina Pitt


Alina Pitt in her Office in Sydney with Money on her Desk
Alina Pitt in her Office in Sydney with Money on her Desk, created by author with

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I know many people who would like to be rich, myself included, but most people don’t have specific plans for what they would do with the money.

With $5 billion, you could make a big impact. Here’s what I would do.

The Pitt School System

Kids in Meditation Class, created by author with

I would like to build schools in a completely different way from what we know today.

My Pitt-Schools would essentially be large playgrounds with integrated learning sections. Daily schedules would include movement, being in nature, meditation, and, of course, all the basics like mathematics, languages, history, financial management, geography, etc.

Classes would primarily take place outdoors when the weather permits it, but there would also be a playful building that looks more like Peter Pan’s Neverland than a typical school today.

We often complain that our kids struggle in school or have difficulty fitting in. I think we need to listen to our children and change the system. Drastically.



Alina Pitt

Alina is a writer, yoga teacher, digital nomad, ex-marketing and sales manager. She escaped the 9-5 rat race and became a microdosing and biohacking advocate.