How Yoga and Meditation Eliminate the Restlessness and Brings Peace

Reena Gupta
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2024


Photo by Carl Barcelo on Unsplash

I think Yoga and meditation are as much as important for personal growth as food. Yoga creates mobility and flexibility and meditation keeps the mind calm. As different types of yoga took birth in India. Now it is recognised internationally.

Its benefits are universal.

Personally, I feel very good after yoga. But feel more joyful when I teach someone to do that posture. Once I was doing aerial yoga. One of the students said oh you are doing very well. I told her that you too could do it. I told her the process. And she tried. I felt a victory inside me. That student could do that. I was so happy.

Many different types of yoga exist. Like:

Hathaway Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

Power Yoga

Iyengar yoga

It can be difficult to figure out which particular style is right.

But I can say that no matter what style of yoga you choose to practice you will likely to see improvements in many areas of your health. few of them are:

  • Yoga helps to improve your posture.
  • It increases your mindfulness.
  • Yoga helps you to sleep better.
  • Helps to stick to healthy habits.
  • Release endorphins that improve your mood.
  • Removes anxiety and depression.
  • Increase your energy level.
  • Yoga and exercise improve cognitive performance, attention, and memory. Researchers reviewed 11 studies that looked at the effects of practicing yoga on the brain. They found that yoga appears to have a positive effect on key areas. areas responsible for memory and information processing as well as emotional regulations.

Read more about this in the Book:

Train Your Brain And Unlock Your True potential: Through Fear Management, Stress Management, Anger Management, belief system and Habit Management.


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Happy Reading..and keep smiling….

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Reena Gupta

Reena Gupta is an educator, writer, Blogger, Coach, Homemaker, and Plant lover. Completed B.Ed. from M.U. P.G.(Psychology) from Dehradun, M.Ed. from NIT(KKR).