How to Let Go of The 3Ps of Shame and Feel That You Are Enough

Evelyn Lim
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2022


The 3Ps of Shame are found in people-pleasing, perfectionism and procrastination. Find out about you can let them go.

Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

Many of us show up with one or more of the 3Ps of shame. The shame stories that we create about ourselves could be on our failures, inadequacies, faults, mistakes, body imperfections and so on. The following is a breakdown of what each P means…

People-pleasing — refers to seeking approval from others and pleasing others in their needs and wants and often at the sacrifice of our own.

Perfectionism — the need to be perfect in the way we are, do or have and the refusal to accept flaws, imperfection or mistakes.

Procrastination — refers to the constant postponement of activities & employing distraction tactics, so that we can hide from our shame.

Our shame stories are often kept on the inside. The reality is that no one likes to openly talk about their shame. Nor may we be entirely aware of how we have been shaming ourselves unless we are willing to be brutally honest. What drives the 3Ps (people-pleasing, perfectionism or procrastination) often spring from the belief of “not good enough”.

Indeed, shame is often shrouded in secrecy. It requires us to be vulnerable. Owning our painful feelings can cut…

