Human Being is a Complete Mechanism

Y V Chawla
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2023


Human being is a complete mechanism. Fundamental Understanding (Spirituality) is to become aware of this fact.

When you are hungry, only one thought that of food is there. When food goes inside the body and the processing starts, brain becomes ready for its function, that is, thoughts start generating. Including the thought of ‘you’, God, soul, creation and so on. Thoughts arise because of life energy. The secret, the origin is in this energy and not what thoughts depict.

Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash

Every sense has its separate limit. The limit of seeing is up to the point you can see. The limit of hearing is what you can hear. The limit of touching is what you can touch. The limit of smell is what you can smell.

Eyes see because the vision is ended at a point. Even in the sky, where we have nothing to see as end. An end as blueness is created as sky to see. If there is no enclosing factor, what the eyes will see? Nothing.

Similarly, ‘I’ is the limit of the mind, consciousness. ‘I’ is the enclosing factor.

‘I’ operates as ‘I’ relates to an object. ‘I’ and the outer, other is bound as a singular process, self-sustained process-the totality.

We are enclosed by what our senses show. We can not go beyond. When we move, we move with our space, with our enclosure. Apart from this enclosure, everything is memory, imagination, thinking. Whatever may happen, this structure does not change. It means this structure is the Original.

There is no way; you can come out of this format. All one’s ideas about God, who created this Universe — arise as thinking, that is, within this format.

The field of senses and the field of memory, imagination, thinking is the Total Field. Seeing the Total Field is the end.

One shies away from the feeling of sadness, confusion, fear, uncertainty in daily life. One runs to solacing ideas or seeks relief by complaining, blaming, feeling guilty to bypass the feeling of uneasiness instead of letting the uneasiness be. When the nervous system experiences this resistance, this pain — what you do, you try to throw the resistance out of you mind. There is no place to throw it.

An unending friction is in motion. Once noticed, whole energy is here. The discomforting feeling opens up to the new.

The friction between this moment and the next gives momentum to life. The friction is unending. When you are relaxed in this moment, whatever be the situation, the image for the next moment (comfortable to you) is automatically created. This is the natural momentum on which brain works. When you are not at rest with this moment, you are trying to fix the next moment to your pattern of satisfaction. You miss the automation. You become busy in fighting an illusory battle.

Fundamental Expressions



Y V Chawla

Author - Fundamental Expressions. Writing and interacting through social media, personal talks, sessions, books on Fundamental Understanding.