Human Connection Is Not a One-Way Street

A tale told in Senryu verses

Caroline de Braganza
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2020


Image by Chrissy H on Pixabay

When you talk to me
I wonder why you bother
Am I transparent?

You look right through me
Prattle and never listen
I’m invisible?

Please don’t contact me
I cancelled my subscription
To inanity

You can count on me —
If you have something to say —
To pay attention

Until then, adieu
I have no time to squander
On empty waffle

Sweeten it with cream
And offer me a portion
Lay it on my plate

Whip up new ideas
Keen to share our recipes
For the common good

Now see each other
Slices of disparate pies
Willing to digest


In business meetings, a chairperson runs the show, to make sure everyone has their turn to speak on each item on the agenda.



Caroline de Braganza

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.