Humanitarian Support for Ukraine

What can we do to help

Dr. Gabriella Korosi
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2022


Photo by Pierpaolo Riondato on Unsplash

War and conflict. Heartbreaking pictures and news coming out of Ukraine in this past week. BBC News reports that people who are escaping many of them are children on their own, women are forced to leave sons and husbands behind. (BBC News) Families are forced to say last-minute goodbyes. Not knowing when they will see their loved one again. People fleeing must go with almost nothing to their name to prevent death for themselves and their young children. Lives are destroyed.

What can we do to help?

Many countries that are in the surrounding area of Ukraine are taking in people fleeing the war and providing food and shelter. Many of these countries are small like Hungary. Hungary’s population is 9.6 million people and its land is 34,945 square miles. (Worldometer, 2022).

Any support is appreciated and goes directly to the relief efforts to provide food and shelter to people who need it right now. Hungary is shipping food to the border and even into Ukraine to help provide nourishment.

Donations are appreciated. It is important to only send what is most needed for each organization or person who asks for help. It is amazing how quickly multiple countries, organizations, and individuals stepped in to help those in need.



Dr. Gabriella Korosi

"HI" Writer, Author,Publisher,creator of connections, spreading positivity. Health/spirituality/positivity/joy/caring/public health/nursing. Building Community.