Underrated Superpower

Humanity is the Gift, Not the Flaw

Why Owning Your Emotions Sets You Free

Lost in My Soul
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2024


Forgiveness is such a noble sentiment that it could be called love. However, when we talk about forgiveness, we immediately think of that person who stepped on our toes, the ex-boyfriend who went out with another girl or, I don’t know, someone who caused us pain. But how often do we stop to forgive ourselves? Yes, that’s right! Apologizing for being sad from time to time, for feeling jealous or for not being able to overcome a barrier that seems too heavy to us at a certain moment.

I like the idea of being human, of being a person, of having a heart that feels love, but that also cries. I allow myself to feel human and accept all the pleasures and displeasures that this gives me. And if I’m very upset, feeling lost in the world, I ask for help without throwing myself to the lions for that. We often confuse self-pity with forgiving ourselves, but they are not even relatives. The first is a devastating way to solve problems, because it includes something called self-pity. Feeling sorry for someone already causes discomfort, what’s left for self-indulgence?

By the way, this word generates a cruel and degenerative disease called “Victim Syndrome”, where we become incapable of taking responsibility for what causes…



Lost in My Soul

Feeling lost? Navigate life's labyrinth with Lost in My Soul. Raw stories, deep dives, and unique perspectives on love, loss, and the human search for meaning.