HumanKind: 10 Simple Rules For A Better Life

“I believe in a future where the point of education is not to prepare you for another useless job but for a life well lived.”

Story Taller


No matter how much we dislike rules, we all have them. They are part of our daily life, whether they serve or keep us back.
Because of the latter, we need to take a good look at how we behave, do the hard work of uncovering unconscious rules and beliefs, and make the implicit explicit.

I love to peek at others' rules. It is something like positive cheating: no need to reinvent the wheel. Why not look at what works for others and see how it can be applied to us?

This is why I fell in love with the 10 Rules To Live By From Rutger Bregman — Humankind:

№1: When in doubt, assume the best

If you are remotely like me, you might object that this is a hard-to-follow rule.
I agree. In my defense, my title says “simple”, not “easy”.

Am I living by this rule? Heck, no! But I am heading there!
My default position was the opposite of it. Intuitively, it made sense: “Better safe than sorry”.
The trouble was that my old approach led me to jump to some very unflattering…



Story Taller

Writer, Tantra therapist, and Laughter Yoga teacher. I love writing about life, love, and hope. I dream about starting a holistic retreat center in Portugal. 🙂