Hush! It’s Winter Time

Daman Sandhu
Published in
Nov 2, 2020
Credit — Unsplash by ‘Toe Heftiba’ abd Edited by ‘Canva’

Hush! Hush! Hush!
Let’s blush your cheeks,
Because It’s Winter Time!

Hush! Hush! Hush!
Let’s push your duvet little higher,
Because It’s Winter Time!

Hush! Hush! Hush!
Let’s mesh together around the firepit,
Because It’s Winter Time!

Hush! Hush! Hush!
Let’s mash some marshmallows,
Because It’s Winter Time!

Hush! Hush! Hush!
Let’s gush over hot cocoa,
Because It’s Winter Time!

Hush! Hush! Hush!
Let’s splash some snowballs,
Because It’s Winter Time!

Hush! Hush! Hush!
Let’s smush with your loved ones,
Because It’s Winter Time!

Blush! Push! Mesh! Mash! Gush! Splash! Smush!
And Hush!
Because It’s Winter Time!

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Daman Sandhu

Content Curator | Story Teller | Blogger | Poet | Streghtening the Digital World with My Thoughts