
Hybristophilia is Dangerous and Possibly Encourages Others

“I know he’s a serial killer but I love him.”

Madison Hays


Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Hybristophilia is one of the most disturbing things I have ever heard of. Hybristophilia is the sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes. I’m sure we all have witnessed someone who has hybristophilia but just never knew what exactly it was called.

I see so many TikTok’s of fan edits for people like Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, Jeffery Dahmer, Chris Watts, and many more notorious serial killers. It isn’t just serial killers but also people who commit crimes. Sometimes, it’s young kids aged 10–15 posting these edits. These poor kids are putting themselves in danger but refuse to understand how.

Fan edit for serial killer Richard Ramirez

People with this disgusting “Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome” often try to defend their feelings by saying they “can’t help it.” Do they realize pedophiles say the same thing?

I’ll never understand how some women can fall in love with or be attracted to someone so vile. I’m curious whether this is something that men believe women enjoy.

In my opinion, hybristophilia is a disturbing mindset and I think it could be part of the reason some men try to attack women.

Many people think that women are drawn to bad boys and men who do not follow any rules. Sometimes, this is the case as we see with hybristophilia. But as a young woman, I can’t particularly say that dangerous men really attract me. When I think about serial killers or those who perpetrate horrendous crimes, I get sick to my stomach. I’m sure most of us can see what’s wrong with being in love with a criminal.

I always wondered why men do dangerous and scary things in order to “impress” a girl. When a man performs these actions, it just makes me angry and terrified; it doesn’t impress me at all. Some men also believe that women desire toxic relationships and are drawn to toxic men. Some women may be, but not all women desire to be in a toxic situation. I think I finally found the key to why some men think like this and act like this.

Before anyone gets me wrong, I understand some people are just sick. There are no excuses for how these men act towards women, but there might be a reason they think it is okay.

If I saw men gushing over how attractive it is when women touch their hair, I would do it to attract men all the way. As a result, I believe this terrible condition contributes to why some men may go to extreme lengths to captivate a woman. It sends the wrong message and, frankly, puts women and others at risk. It has to end right now.

I know that love is not a choice, but glorifying your attraction to such horrible people can affect others more than you think. These people are not good people. They are not who you want to be in love with. They don’t deserve your love or your attention. I don’t even know if I could consider some of them, even human beings, with the things they have done.

TW: Rape

For example, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo (aka the Ken and Barbie Killers) were a couple who participated in rapes and killings. Paul Bernardo was known as the Scarborough Rapist and often would go out and find girls to rape. Bernardo’s acts were known to Homolka, but she did nothing about it. Bernardo even assaulted Homolka on multiple occasions, but she always catered to him just so he would stay with her. He had her brainwashed. Karla’s younger sister was murdered and raped by Paul, yet she still stayed. Karla, I believe, had hybristophilia. No logical woman would ever stay with someone who was that twisted and disturbing.

Some women do act on their attraction to someone like this, which is frightening. A simple TikTok edit is not even close to the worst of it.

I know hybristophilia is not the biggest problem in the world today, but it is still a problem. I barely see anyone talking about it, let alone addressing how damaging and scary it can be. We do not need people with hybristophilia influencing our actions and our thoughts. They need to get off the internet, seek help, and take a long time to analyze why they find criminals attractive despite their horrible actions.

Love who you want to love, but don’t put yourself in danger. Do not encourage fantasies you are aware are not acceptable or safe. If you’re drawn to criminals, seek help. It’s a more serious problem than you might believe, and it has the potential to escalate.



Madison Hays

I’m the stereotypical teen girl, just a little more expressive and opinionated.