HyperSpace HyperCube -Our Other Sizes ! Our bodies (consciousnesses) in other dimensions — Part II

Hello, this is the continuation of the other article.

We can think of our etheric body as the twin of the physical body. This has nothing to do with the twin brothers in the physical world. This body, that is, etheric consciousness and etheric dimension is what physicists define as captive matter and write in scientific theses and articles. But they could not make philosophical sense of it. We use this etheric body mostly in healing, diagnosis and diagnostic studies. This body is in the closest communication position to the physical body. That’s why the self-hypnosis meditation we do reaches the etheric body first. Then our affirmations and suggestions go to other upper bodies.

The closest body to our chakras is this etheric body. If we need to talk about the astral dimension, the astral body, this body is also composed of astral form, that is, astral matter. The physical body is physical matter. The astral body is astral matter and is connected with the second chakra. It is sexuality and creativity. And it is all about emotions. Through this body we really love someone. And what we really like provides a connection of intimacy in a spiritual sense. Sexual passion is both biological and spiritual. So it is not only biological for the harmony in our gut microbiota in absolute terms. It is both biological and spiritual.

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The astral body has its own conscious self. And this body is the fourth dimension of time. Living in this physical world, we do not build an astral body from scratch, we make it more perfect. We train it. We give direction, we develop it. Otherwise it goes its own way. The subconscious builds our physical consciousness! The subconscious is not entirely psychological but largely belongs to the metaphysical field. It also has a collective structure. We can only improve the physical world, that is, our life, by intervention from the metaphysical side. Aristotle said that since my master Plato and others concentrated on metaphysics, it was up to me to make physics based on metaphysics.

In other words, he obtained the discoveries of physics and biology in this physical world by starting from metaphysics. Otherwise we would not be talking about him now. The astral travelling experience that we experience out of body is experienced with astral body and astral consciousness. Of course, there is not only the experience of astral consciousness, but it is necessary to know astral before experiencing other experiences. I want to emphasise again that we experience these consciousnesses and these dimensions before we die. With our will. Through meditation states. Not without knowing astral, astral is fundamental. And so we consciously travel to other universes. The first obstacle is fear. I will talk about fear in the following lessons. Other universes are not independent of this universe. They are intertwined universes.

In this physical world you can even go to someone you haven’t seen for many years and walk round their house. With your other metaphysical consciousness. Or you can transmit sound to him. If he/she is not psychically developed in metaphysics, he/she cannot see your image, but he/she hears your voice. Astral body’s development level quality is different for everyone. Therefore, the opportunities it offers to the person in the physical world are different. While animals learn to use their astral bodies more, we humans focus more on our mental bodies. This stage of our evolution is more mental. When a human being dies, he first peels off the layer of his etheric body and then remains with his astral body. The astral body is also mortal, but its life span is longer than the physical body and the etheric body.

The mental body is thoughts, ideas, ideals, philosophy, art, etc. It is more qualified and developed than the astral body. It has its own form and consciousness. It lasts even longer than the astral body. But the mental body is also mortal. It is the body directly related to karma. This mental body of the mental world also has lower and upper layers of consciousness. It is not correct to call the upper mental body a body because it is more abstract. This body is also called the body of cause and effect. This body, like a seed, transfers the experiences gained in life to the next life.

Self-hypnosis meditation, if you have physical initiations, the affirmation suggestions that pass from the beta wave of the brain to the alpha wave also reach the upper mental body. It is both abstract and concrete. The human being leaves these bodies and consciousnesses layer by layer like a dress, and the last eye attains a new body in a different dimension. So there is no death but transformation. The last layer is the soul. The soul experiences these hierarchical fields of consciousness, these formed fields, but it can only realise them by experiencing them.

The level of spiritual consciousness is to be able to see everyone as yourself, high virtues. Kundalini is a great, high-voltage metaphysical experience in which 7 chakras, which are asleep in the human body, work simultaneously with the spinal cord. It belongs to the dimension of spiritual consciousness and in this metaphysical experience, man reaches the angelic level, the level of God. In other words, kundalini sees and knows the worlds beyond the physical body while in the physical body. So faith is a stage to be overcome. There is knowing. These whole body states of consciousness cannot find meaning without layered structures. Each one is meaningless on its own. So there cannot be a life consisting of only one of them. The life of the physical body emerges from their mixture.

The dreams you see are sometimes psychological, sometimes seeing through the eyes of your other bodies. Sometimes, as your consciousness develops, you even see social events. Sometimes you see through the eyes of a plant or even an insect, you cannot make sense of it, it does not belong to you. You have experienced its state of consciousness as a dream. We are 7 billion people in the physical world, 7 million in the astral world and 7 thousand in the mental world. As we go upwards, there is only one state of consciousness, namely wahdat i vücud, as Ibnul Arabi in Sufism says. God is both transcendent and immanent. When Mental and Astral experiences are experienced, they bring a tremendous state of enthusiasm and energy to the person.

Will is the energising force belonging to the formless spiritual field, which is superior to mental experience. Paracelsus said that the supermind cannot be entered without the will of its master. Emotional states such as fear, anger, anxiety, hatred and arrogance are dangerous. The death experience of people who commit atrocities and intense evil deeds is different from the death experience of good people who have reached the experience of metaphysical realisation. We die the way we live.

We should not insist on feelings of deep pain, grief and sorrow behind our deceased relatives. The deceased find it difficult to go upstairs in such a situation. They are in between and delayed. If we have received the 3rd eye initiation, we can receive information about some of the bad events that will happen to ourselves or someone else in the form of clairvoyance — clairvoyance in the form of a precognitive dream. While in astral experience we can also prevent some disasters before they occur in the physical world. The astral eye is more capable than the physical consciousness, the physical eye and sees without intermediaries. It sees without attachment to this solid form of matter.

Sometimes, even if we have all the details of the events that will occur, we cannot prevent them from happening. We cannot prevent it. The reason for this is the karmic maturation period and from this time onwards fate has woven its web. If we psychically foretell something and it is possible to do something, we should never be late. We must warn those people. In out-of-body astral experiences, that is, in the astral dimension, you can even receive training from a master there. The moment you return to the physical consciousness, that is, to the physical world, you remember that training and make it permanent. Isn’t it marvellous?

There is one more part of the lesson of our other bodies, the last part of this article, which consists of three parts in total.



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Hello, my name is Abdullah Aktaş. I blog on METAPHYSICS-PARAPSYCHOLOGY-ESOTERISM-OCCULTISM and I am active on my Youtube Channel. www.metafizikvekuantum.com/en