I Always Ruin Everything

The Beauty of Brokenness



Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

There are days when it feels like everything I touch turns to dust. The plans I make crumble, the relationship I cherish falter, and the dream I hold dear seem just out of reach. “I always ruin everything” is a thought that echoes in my mind, haunting me with its persistence.

Self-doubt is a formidable foe. It creeps into our thoughts, whispering that we are not enough, that our efforts are futile. It’s like carrying an invisible burden, one that grows heavier with each perceived failure. We all have moments when we feel inadequate, but it’s how we respond to these feeling that defines our journey.

The poet Rumi once said. “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” It’s a reminder that our struggles, our moments of feeling like we ruin everything, are not the end. They are, in fact, opportunities for growth. When we allow ourselves to sit with our discomfort and acknowledge our pain, we open ourselves up to healing and transformation.

Ruining everything can also be a matter of perspective, What we see as failure, others might see as a stepping stone. It’s easy to be our harshest critics, but sometimes, taking a step back and viewing our lives through a lens of compassion can reveal a different story. We might find that those “ruined” moments were necessary to redirect us to…

