Self- Growth

I Am a Fu**ing Computer Genius, Part 2

When things go right

Janice Arenofsky
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2020


Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Today I opened my laptop, clicked on Word, and got an error message (winword.exe) and something about Office (the office part was in a tangerine orange but that’s not important).

The Office part worried me since I know I haven’t paid for the whole kit and kaboodle — I’m not the sort to load up on software I’ll use once and forget about. I figured the “Office” signal was just a blip, and I’d try it again. But after I retried the same computer action about 10 times, I had to consider the possibility that I had a computer problem, a slight malfunction. They say doing the same thing multiple times and getting the same result is one step away from insanity. I don’t buy into these Einsteinian theories, but just in case, I quit repeating the computer move and began considering my options.

I couldn’t really access Word, and that’s what I need to function as a writing professional. Plus, I had just gotten an assignment to compose a client’s resume and cover letter so the need for Word to function normally was paramount. What was wrong with my beautiful, flawless laptop?

I started to panic as I normally do when confronted by technical situations, but I reminded myself that just this past summer I had solved a computer problem of…



Janice Arenofsky

Humorist who aims to make it to the big leagues. So laugh like a hyena and pretend i’m Fran Leibowitz. What? You don’t know her. Get a life!