I Am Allergic To Organization And My House Is A Mess

Julie van Maanen
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2023


All I want to do is live in calm

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Firstly, I should say I am no big fan of cleaning. I imagine not many people are.

When we lived in Havana, my daughter was young and I was working, we had a cleaner. It was a wonder. I can say I really enjoyed coming home to a clean and organised home.

The organisation part is what most impresses me.

I’ve always struggled with keeping my spaces in order, whether it be my home, the contents of my bag or my desk at work. Whether the mess reflects the chaos I have in my head, or produces it, I can’t say. All I know is I crave order, calm and peace in my life, but seem unable to make it happen.

I’ve long suspected I may have always had ADHD (lack of focus at school, chronic lateness, interrupting others and finishing their sentences) but my organisation is the worst.

Ironically, in the years I spent leading groups on foreign excursions, my clients praised my organisational skills. I guess I had to work so hard to do that job that I got good at it, but my personal organisation was always a mess.

Many times I have left personal items in places, a wallet in a supermarket, an iPad in a hotel lobby, a phone in a bar…



Julie van Maanen

Top writer in Parenting. Multi-lingual traveller, writer, learner, teacher. Raising my little girl in Cuba and Europe and cannot wait to show her the world.