I Am Drinking Again

Here’s why.

Aure's Notes


Photo by Josh Olalde on Unsplash

On the 23rd of February 2020, I went to a party — my last real party before the virus hit.

I got drunk with vodka since I could not drink beer on a keto diet.

It was a bad idea.

I had not eaten anything, so my stomach was empty.

The next day was hell.

The alcohol had destroyed my gut flora and gave me huge digestion problems for the next 9 months.

The hangover was so awful that in that moment of pain, I saw salvation in a strict alcohol-free lifestyle.

I stopped drinking on the 24th of February 2020.

I knew I wasn’t going to go out for a while anyway due to the virus. I had also wanted to stop drinking to try out a carnivore diet.

So I cast beer out of my life.

The Next Months

The next months were a breeze.

There were no parties, hence no social pressure. I saved a lot of money and didn’t have to explain to anyone my dietary choices.

My sobriety became part of my identity.

When lockdowns began to ease out, I struggled to decide whether I wanted to go out or not.



Aure's Notes

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