I Am Enough

Ananya Ashok
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2022
Image credit: Ananya Ashok- author

I started with being told I was not enough.
At other times, I was too much to handle.
I was either too emotional, or too distant.
I heard constantly that I am never enough.
Did I not deserve to be simply because I am?
Did I have to be somehow more? or a little less?
Now I know better. I have learned how to know better.

I have learned that I can regulate my emotions.
I can practice kindness with myself.
I can have expectations and my own goals.
I can still accept the reality for what it is.
I am proud of who I am, and who I have become.
I can still cherish who I was once and be kind to her.

I can take space and need time when hurt or diminished.
I can protect myself now but open my heart again.
When I am ready. When I AM ready.
I can choose what is best for me.
My goals can change for change is growth.
I can love my work and yet find purpose in more things.

I can be my healer.
I can be my best friend.
I can be my mentor.
I can still need other people and seek connection.
I am more than my transient feelings.
They shall pass. They always do, even when residues remain.
I can pour myself some of what I generously fill in other’s cups.

I can seek new beginnings. I can find my voice.
I can end what brings me only pain and misery.
I can learn from my mistakes, even if I repeat them a few times more.
To be sure. Just to be doubly sure.
I can trust slowly. I can choose not to be rushed.
I can do it all. I can also do nothing at all.
For I now tell myself that, I am enough.
I always have been enough.

P.S. I rarely post photos of myself with my poems, but for this particular one, this photo somehow just felt right. The poem is a very personal and special one and is filled with much learning I have gained over the years. Also, this is not a recent photo of mine. The photo is at least 10 years old at this point, but the day it was taken still remains fresh in my memory. It was taken outside the house of legendary poet, Maha Kavi Bharathiyar’s house in Kovilpatti. I hope you enjoyed reading my writing. Thank you for your visit. :)



Ananya Ashok

I am a marine scientist who could never stop being a writer, dreamer, and poet at heart. My writing finds inspiration in life, philosophy, science & nature.