I am Forced To Take a Hot Shower in Summer

An idea straight from the Bathroom

Piyush Vaish
2 min readAug 29, 2023


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During summer, the temperature gets to around 45 degrees here.

And I am not an early riser.

Now, what is the correlation between those 2 statements?
Well, there is one.

The Premise

I live in a multi-story apartment that has cemented water tanks on the terrace.

I am usually done with my pre-bathing morning routine by 9 a.m.

During that time, the sun’s heat is enough to raise the temperature of the water in the tanks above.

Without any other option, I enter the bathroom.

What Happens Inside the Bathroom…

As I turn on the shower, I struggle to get under it.

It takes a while for me to get used to the water & get completely drenched.

Surprisingly, I find solace in the geyser water. Being left stagnant within the geyser overnight, it is considerably cooler than the searing hot tap water.

The Idea

If a geyser could offer warmth during the winter, why couldn’t it be repurposed to provide cool relief during the scorching summers?

One device — multi-function.

It would make life so much easier as well.

Is It Executable?

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Piyush Vaish

Developer turned Designer. On a mission to normalize writing without a niche.