I am too afraid to fail!!!

Atleast I started…

2 min readAug 4, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I may fail at the end. But can that stop me from pursuing new things or from learning new things?

Embarking on a new endeavour can be both exciting and daunting. The fear of failure looms as a constant companion, whispering doubts and insecurities in our minds.

Starting is the hardest part. We may face difficulties on the way, but taking the first step, regardless of uncertainties, is a remarkable achievement in itself.

I started my Data Science learning journey, just a couple of months back.

Only one book (reading this book while doing anything gives me strength), called as “Meditations”, by the great Marcus Aurelius, is enough to keep me going.

What are my perspectives on this journey?

  1. The Fear of Failure: Fear of failure is a universal emotion experienced by all of us. The prospect of falling short, disappointing ourselves or others, or facing setbacks can be paralyzing. It’s crucial to acknowledge that this fear is natural and part of the human experience. It often emerges when we are about to embark on something meaningful or outside our comfort zones.
  2. The Courage to Start: Despite the fear, the mere act of beginning is an achievement worthy of celebration. Starting requires courage, determination, and a willingness to embrace vulnerability. It signifies a belief in oneself and a refusal to be confined by apprehensions. By taking that first step, we open doors to new possibilities and opportunities for growth.
  3. Embracing Imperfection: Embracing imperfection is liberating. Instead of focusing solely on success or failure, we can find solace in knowing that every step of the journey contributes to personal growth and learning. Missteps and challenges provide valuable lessons that propel us forward, making us wiser and more resilient.
  4. Shifting the Perspective: Rather than viewing failure as a dead end, we can reframe it as a stepping stone on the path to success. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb, famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Embracing this perspective allows us to perceive failure as an opportunity for refinement and progress.
  5. Celebrating the Journey: It’s essential to celebrate every milestone, big or small, along the journey. Recognize that each step taken brings us closer to our goals, regardless of the immediate outcome. Celebrating the process fosters a positive mindset, fuels motivation, and bolsters the determination to persist.

Anything I am missing? Would love to hear from you all.

I would require help on this journey from all members of the data science community.

Thanks for reading!

