I Became an Apple Fanboy

I fell into the Apple trap. And weirdly, I don’t want out.

Tarek Gara
Published in
5 min readNov 23, 2021


Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

Back in 2019, I was chilling with a crappy, generic Lenovo laptop running the 9th generation of the Intel i5 with 8 gigs of RAM. It was okay for my needs as a freshman majoring in English Literature and IR.

But “okay” is relative. As I started to explore my passion in graphic design, using Adobe’s software, I wasn’t aware of how bad my laptop was. Granted, its specs were underwhelming, but it did what I needed it to do at the time.

I wasn’t simply not an Apple fan, but I was an Apple hater. In the back of my mind, Apple was a company that sold high-priced tech not worth the price. And it was somewhat true — iPhones were pretty impressive devices, but for the price of one top-tiet iPhone, you could get three mid-tier Android phones with a bigger battery and more “slick” features.

And one could argue against that. I’d agree with both sides. That was back then. Today, Apple is the best tech company in the world. It’s also the most valued company in the world.

After the M1 chips came out late 2020, I was hesitant, like everyone else. It simply wasn’t expected to run as good as other traditional chips. I had watched every YouTube video covering the new M1s, comparisons with Intel-based Macs, intense-testing…



Tarek Gara

Product designer by profession, writer by nature. I write articles, plus poetry when the mood's right. LinkedIn: bit.ly/3PGY9Qk