I Can’t Hear You, Part II

The Hearing Aid Blues

John O'Neill


Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Like most of the appliances today, hearing aids are high tech electronic miracles, when they work. If appearance is a concern,the good news for many wearers is that hearing aids are now very small and unobtrusive. They can be customized and programmed to meet the unique hearing needs of every person. At the high end price and sophistication-wise they can even be attuned to your specific tastes in music. They can adjust themselves to when you are in a crowd, or just talking one on one to someone.

The aids usually come in three levels of performance, basic, mid-range, and high end, and are priced accordingly. The middle category of aids can cost you between $4,000 to $5,000 for a pair. Though you can buy them on-line for significantly less, and market pressures are starting a trend to lower prices in general. I have purchased aids both through audiologists and on-line. Though the mail delivery company had a very fast turn-a-round time frame for repairs, the aids are very sensitive devices and regular maintenance is more likely than not going to be required. So I would recommend having someone local with whom you can work.

Batteries are a nuisance in that they have to be replaced every week or so. You don’t have to worry, however, about knowing when to replace a battery. They either have a chime, or musical notes as…



John O'Neill

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.