I Can’t Let You Go, George

Paroma Sen
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2020


Photo by Corentin Million on Unsplash

I can’t close my eyes anymore
Because every time I try
I see the hard grey concrete under me
Reaching up to smash my face

I can’t shut my ears anymore
Because every time I try
I hear the words over and over
I can’t breathe, I CAN’T BREATHE

I can’t feel the pillow beneath my head
Because every time I try
I feel instead his knee on my neck
Crushing my sense out of me

I can’t smell the roses anymore
Because every time I try
I smell instead the choked gutter
That in which he lay me dead

The tears don’t stop flowing
As I want to curl up in shame
I want to leave my “humanity” behind
I can’t let you go, George

I can’t let you go.



Paroma Sen

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”