I Cycled 2,800KM In 2020; Here’s What I Learned About Hitting Your Targets

#2 — Turn your targets into your habits.

The Guvna


Photo from Canva

Ah, New Year’s Resolutions; they’re like the kid who brags about how good a swimmer he is on the first day of school only to be dragged out of the pool by the instructor after nearly drowning on the first length (that kid was me by the way).

You kick off the year all full of vim and vigor only to hit the end of January staring at a wreck of broken dreams and unused gym gear.

Defeated you put your resolutions away in the trash heap and move on to the next 30-day challenge.

In the last few years, I’ve managed to break the curse and hit one of my main targets. Last year I set out to cycle 1,600km and ended up riding 2,800km instead, far exceeding the goal I had at the start of 2020.

Here’s what I picked up along the way when it comes to setting and hitting your personal targets.

1 – Make Them Ridiculous But Within The Realms of Possibility



The Guvna

I write about personal development, cycling, fatherhood and everything in between.