I Decided to Attract a Few Smart, Switched-On, Uplifting Women Into My Life

By serving them, I served myself even more. Here’s what happened.



Photo by Allie on Unsplash

It all started with a Toastmasters speech project

I am an introvert, like my own company, can entertain myself, and haven’t really been missing the reduced social interactions resulting from the disruptions caused by the coronavirus.

However, an idea has been percolating on the back burner of my mind for a few weeks that…

I would really love to attract some smart, switched-on, energizing, uplifting women into my life.

I got a sign from the Universe that it was time to take action on this idea when I looked at the next speech project in my Toastmasters Pathway.

My Toastmasters club has continued to meet weekly via Zoom during the pandemic. I love the small group and love practicing my public speaking with them. I am always actively working on the next speech in my Pathway.

I was looking through the elective options of the particular speech project I’m on. I kept thinking No. No. No. No. Oh! I saw one titled “Lessons Learned”.




Life Coach. Writer. Speaker. I coach, mentor, & support others to think big, pursue growth, & manifest their life/work goals.