I Died But I Did Not Die — My DMT Trip Explained

My First Out-Of-The-Body Experience

Alina Pitt


AI-image of Myself Smoking a Pipe, created by author with hotpot.ai

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After my DMT trip, my whole reality was shattered. I couldn’t believe what just happened to me.

My guide prepared the pipe and instructed me to try and keep it in as long as I could. I was told to attempt three inhalations from the pipe, but everything changed after the first round. I couldn’t see my reality anymore.

Firstly, the room I was in became a 2D picture with a very bright glow around it. I couldn’t see the pipe or my guide anymore, but a lot of mandala patterns. Suddenly, I could see a part of the pipe and I heard my guide’s voice. ‘Inhale and try to keep it in,’ she said. So I did. I was still in a sitting meditative position. She tried to do the last round of inhalation with me, but it already hit me. I was already gone. Far away. I heard this high-pitched sound in my ears and a weird clicking sound that seemed to come from my pineal gland.

I left my body — it felt like dying but not in a bad way.

First, I, or better said, my essence, worked its way out of my body. It felt like layer after layer was lifted, like an…



Alina Pitt

Alina is a writer, yoga teacher, digital nomad, ex-marketing and sales manager. She escaped the 9-5 rat race and became a microdosing and biohacking advocate.