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I do not want to be entertained
🙃 I want to be challenged, I do not want to be entertained.
I recently had the opportunity to follow a series of lectures at London Business School for our 25-year reunion. I was shocked by the way the lecturers have changed their scripts. From lecturers, they have become entertainers. They even get positive feedback for being the most entertaining professor of the year.
As a result, the lectures’ content can often be summarized with a few words (that the audience has to remember, is the quintessence), a few words, and nothing more. And by the way, the lecturer should not use complex sentences, complex words or equations, or anything else that would require starting our listener’s brain. We want to be entertained and get a cooking receipt that we can use. It has to be structured and include less than 10 steps.
I see the same tendency in most management books that repeat the same sentence with another amazing example on most of the 200 pages the book has to look serious.
I think that the same tendency is visible, will be visible at the top management level. The C-Managers will require short receipts and lists of 10 points max to make decisions. Beautiful PowerPoint presentations including only 2 slides or perhaps a short video of a maximum of 30 seconds so as not to overload their brain.