I Earned $150 For Building an Email List Of 1800+ People

A real-life example of growing an email list while earning money for it



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Email marketing is everywhere. “You need a newsletter”. On Twitter, Dylan from growthcurrency.net stated:

“Don’t start a blog. Start a newsletter.”

Medium offers a subscribe button to build an email list, Twitter integrated newsletters directly into user profiles via Revue, Substack went through the roof, and even LinkedIn started a newsletter section.

It’s fair to say, email is back. It never left, actually. But it’s on somewhat of a huge comeback.


Taking matters into your own hands

It’s simple. You own your audience.

You grow a mailing list that you can take with you from platform to platform, from service to service (given you follow legal regulations like GDPR, etc.).

A platform can go away, shut down, or start to suck. If you’re only invested in that platform, you’re going down with it. Unless you have taken matters into your own hands by creating and growing your own audience via an email list.




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