I Earned My First $1000+ on Medium in Four Months — I Didn’t Learn Shit

There is no secret to success

Matthew Prince


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

I had published two articles on Medium before I joined the Medium partner program. I have always been an avid reader and an aperiodic writer. While reading great articles here on Medium, I decided to flex my writing muscles. I thought I had great ideas I wish to share. So why not earn some money doing so?

To maximize my earning potential, I clicked on every article like this one I am writing this moment. If the title had anything to do with “Medium earnings” or “Medium how-to”, you can bet I read it.

“How I earned my first $XXX on Medium”

“What I learned after publishing XXX articles on Medium”

“How to do XXX on Medium”

Reading articles like this is not bad until it becomes bad. When you are second-guessing yourself, enveloped in fear, or procrastinating, the most rational way to keep yourself held back is to hide under the shadows of preparation and learning. It always works.

Some would-be writers learn and prepare to be writers all their lives. They wait till they are good enough and the timing is perfect enough. But how do you know when you are good enough and when is the timing perfect?



Matthew Prince

I am a writer who is trying to understand the world. I write on philosophy, psychology, social justice, and everything else. For more info: princedet5@gmail.com