I Failed 5 Times Before Finally Succeeding

What I Learned Along the Way

Artistic G
3 min readMar 3, 2024


Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

Let’s be honest, starting a business can be tough.

There are so many things to learn, and let’s face it,

sometimes you just hit a wall.

Well, for me, that wall was pretty darn high,

and I tripped over it not once, not twice,

but five whole times! But,

as the saying goes, “Fall seven times, get up eight,”

and that’s exactly what I did.

Today, I’m here to share my story of failing five times with drop shipping before finally hitting my first $1,500!

My journey started with a dream,

to be my boss set my hours, and create something cool.

I stumbled upon the idea of drop shipping,

where you sell products online but don’t hold any inventory yourself.

It sounded perfect — no need for a garage full of stuff!

So, I jumped in headfirst.

I found a platform, chose some cool products from Amazon,

and started promoting them on Pinterest,

which is like a giant online bulletin board filled with pictures.

I spent hours creating eye-catching pins,

hoping people would click through and buy something.

But guess what? Month one, $0 sales. Nothing.

I felt discouraged, but I kept working.

Month two? Still nothing. Month three? Nada.

By this point, I was starting to doubt myself.

Was this a good idea?

Maybe I wasn’t cut out for this whole “business owner” thing.

But then, something clicked.

I realized I needed to learn from my mistakes.

I looked back at what I did, what products I chose,

and how I promoted them.

Here’s what I discovered:

  • Wrong Products: Turns out, that the cool gadgets I loved weren’t what people were looking for. I needed to choose products that solved problems or fulfilled a need.
  • Boring Pins: My pins weren’t eye-catching enough. They needed to be clear, concise, and visually appealing to stop people from scrolling.
  • Targeting the Wrong Audience: I was promoting my products to everyone, which wasn’t very effective. I needed to narrow down my target audience and tailor my content to their interests.

Armed with this newfound knowledge,

I went back to the drawing board. I chose new products,

focusing on things like home organization and pet accessories,

which seemed to resonate more with my audience.

I revamped my pins with clear pictures and catchy descriptions,

and I started targeting people

who were actively searching for these types of products on Pinterest.

And guess what? It worked! Slowly but surely,

people started clicking through my pins,

visiting the product pages, and making purchases.

The feeling of seeing that first sale notification was pure magic!

It wasn’t a huge amount at first,

but it was a sign that I was on the right track.

I kept learning, tweaking, and improving, and over time,

my sales started growing.

Three months after that first sale, I reached my goal of $1,500!

Looking back, those five failures were tough,

but they were also invaluable learning experiences.

They taught me the importance of patience, perseverance, and adaptability.

They showed me that success doesn’t happen overnight

and that sometimes you have to stumble a few times

before you find your footing.

So, if you’re out there starting your own business,

and you’re feeling discouraged by setbacks,

I want to leave you with this message: Don’t give up!

Learn from your mistakes, keep adjusting your approach,

and most importantly, believe in yourself!

You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

Thanks For Reading

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash



Artistic G

Your story is a puzzle; every setback is just another piece.