
I Failed in Business Ten Years Ago And It’s Totally My Fault

Raymond M.E. Aguirre


Here’s how you can avoid the same mistakes.

Image of a guy face down in the snow while holding a white flag up.
Image Credit: Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

2010 was a bad year to be in the job market, especially for new college graduates. And as luck would have it, I graduated from college in 2010.

Things were awful. After grinding for nearly four years to get my degree, my reward was working dead-end jobs. A short story I recently posted on Medium is based on one of those jobs.

I could go endlessly about my uninspiring resume after college, but that is not what this article is about.

I’m writing this so you can avoid what I did.

Where I Went Wrong

I began to look for alternatives after struggling to find work that paid a livable wage. It was at that time that I was exposed to the idea of making money online for the first time. I read, watched, and listened to many people as they described their dream-like lifestyles. They were traveling around the world, working a few hours a week, and living the best life they could.

One of those people was Tim Ferriss, who wrote The 4-Hour Workweek. It was through that book that I first learned the ins and outs of starting an internet business, and I devoured it like a rabid hound.

