I Finally Decided to Try the List Feature

I know, I’m late to the game. That’s just how I roll.

Brad Creech


Ok, here goes nothing. I decided to try out the “new” list feature here on Medium. This is one thing I love about this platform. There is flexibility to try new things. I have been hesitant to give it a try because it seemed like a lot of work to thumb through and categorize all of my stories.

Then it dawned on me. The list feature is an easier, more manageable way of doing something I had already been doing.

All this time I have been keeping a story pinned at the top of my profile titled, “The Master List.” In that story, I manually categorized all of my stories to create an archive for visitors to my page. It was a wonderful idea, but it wasn’t practical for me.

I simply couldn’t keep up with it. Every time I published a new story I would have to edit the list and add in the link under the appropriate category heading. It was a lot of work and I know I’m being a baby about it, but I’m ok with that.

Well, I have unpinned my master list. It really wasn’t getting that much engagement anyway. Now I am trying out the list feature for the same purpose. It is just easier. Once I publish a story, I simply click the list I want it added to. Boom. Done. Here are some things I hope it…



Brad Creech

Pastor - husband - father - author of The Dark Night of the Soul (https://a.co/d/am6tM6i)