I Finally Got A Job Offer

It was worth the wait.

Krista Na


Photo by Timothy Chan, Unsplash

I struggled with finding a job for the longest time. Job hunting last year during the pandemic was exceptionally difficult. But I bring good news: I finally got a job offer at a local outdoorsy retail store after applying for several other jobs via Indeed.com. At first, I really wanted to work remotely from home, but I realize I had to apply to many places in order to start working and making money for the sake of my sanity.

The two other places I applied to were Fran’s Chocolates and InSpa. Fran’s Chocolate’s would have been great for me, except I was looking for more hours, so I didn’t go through with a second interview. I then applied to InSpa because I just wanted to try it and the interview also went well. During the time I was waiting to hear, I applied to Escape Outdoors, which is where I got my job offer of Sales Associate.

I had the first interview with a Store Manager named Skip and then the next day, I immediately scheduled for a second interview after the first interview was a success. The second interview was with another manager and it went well! I got offered the job immediately. I was quite happy! I love the work culture that Escape Outdoors represents and can’t wait until I start training tomorrow along with doing paperwork, of course!

I am so thankful to the interviewers who gave me a chance to work with them. I look forward to growing in that company and learning new skills as well.

Good things come when you least expect it and I have God to thank as well!

Thank you for reading my article and being a part of my writing journey here on Medium. Much love ❤



Krista Na

Featured on Illumination, Illumination Mirror, Write to Inspire and Resonate. Buy me a coffee on https://ko-fi.com/kristenna