I Found The Equation of Happiness

and how I got the answer to (t)=w0+w1∑j=1tγt−jCRj+w2∑j=1tγt−jEVj+w3∑j=1tγt−jRPEj.

Antonia Catana
4 min readMar 1, 2022


Photo by Nina Uhlíková from Pexels

Look, the concept of happiness has always haunted me. I have always wondered what exactly brings that pure relieving feeling of being happy, positive and radiant? I have never felt like I was that person constantly.

Recently, me and my friends where having a small talk which turned into a big talk by just one of us asking a simple question (which I have been trying to find the answer to for a long time) — “What is happiness?”.

We each started answering at a time, but did not come to a fair conclusion. So, the conversation faded rapidly. But I couldn’t wrap my mind over this, so I needed some answers.

Gratitude. Money. Love. Health. Material stuff… is that all? Do you really feel happy after getting all your checks on your bucket list?

Well, I started my “research”. I am a pragmatic thinker, so I turned to facts that can be proved or explained, at least. I don’t buy that “turn your negatives into positives” or “fake it till you make it” attitude.

What is the formula of happiness?

The above equation is actually the one neuroscientists have calculated, but I’m not going to bore you with solving that. Not that I can’t, of course…

There are lots of theories, but I chose one and I think I’ll stick with it, Seligman’s happiness formulaH = S + C + V.

Basically, happiness (H) is the sum of one’s genetic set-range for happiness (S), their life circumstances (C), and factors under their voluntary control (V).

Which factor has the most influence?

The trick part is that there is a percentage allocation for each. Before I tell you the answer, just ask yourself Which one is the most important? Genetics, circumstances or choices?

I was totally wrong. And quite baffled. I asked all of my close friends and no one got the right answer. Also, it was so interesting to see how each one of them had a different perspective.

Apparently, the main character of this plot is one’s genetics. Not less than 50 percent of your happiness is based on your genes. So, you have no control over that. This was so discouraging for me — so, if I’m wired to be a pessimist, I’m not going to be truly happy … like ever?

In the second place come factors under your control, which are around 40 percent of your happiness. Well, this means your levels of happiness are affected in a big way by your choices. Finally, some good news throughout this pile of information, right? You are in control of your future by changing (in a positive manner) how you feel about your past and how you experience your present.

Lastly, the smallest amount of influence — only 10 percent — is dedicated to circumstances. This means that it doesn’t matter where you were born, if you have siblings or you’re an only child or if you are married or not, you have an almost equal chance to raise your level of long-term happiness.

Now, it depends on you how you take in this information. If I were to end this on positive note, as I should intend to, I don’t think there is fool proof of our happiness. What I do appreciate about Seligman’s theory is the fact that even though he claims some of our happiness levels are inborn, much of our happiness is also based on things we can control.

Some part of me still believes each individual is different and so should be the things that bring them happiness. I’m saying this because when you ask other people what happiness means to them, they give such different answers.

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” — Dalai Lama

Well, maybe some of us aren’t meant to be spreading sunshine wherever they go, but all of us have the power to create our own happiness. Happiest people don’t have the best; they create the best out of everything.



Antonia Catana

From self-development, cooking, love to neuroscience, I like to type my ideas into blogs to keep up with my thoughts. https://linktr.ee/antonia.catana