I Found the Secret to Long-lasting Relationships

It’s not money, or love

2 min readJun 30, 2024


Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

We will meet many people in our life, classmates, friends, relatives, they come and go in our life.

It can be as short as a few weeks or as long as a few years. Few people can maintain long-term contact.

Is there any secret to maintain long-term relationship?

Be grateful to each other

Sometimes, we think that asking for help from others will cause trouble to the other party.

But in fact, many times, it is in the mutual help between relatives and friends that the friendship between each other will become deeper.

When you encounter difficulties, you have someone to seek help from, which will bring you great strength; when a friend is in trouble, you can be the person he wants to ask for help, which is also a valuable trust.

Thank the other party for the warmth and support from the bottom of your heart, know how to give back, and repay kindness, which is to cherish kindness and cherish true feelings.

Willing to give for each other and see each other’s gratitude, such friendship can last long.


Like-minded friends are willing to talk and be honest with each other. When they achieve something, they can share their joy; when they are frustrated, they can accompany each other.

Such friends can always give each other support and strength.

For people to be able to chat with each other, they must have the same interests and topics, and also have similar perceptions of things.

Only when thoughts can resonate with each other can they get along for a long time.

When people get along with each other, mutual understanding and understanding are important.

People with similar interests can communicate with each other and have a lasting relationship.

Keep a sense of proportion

No matter how close the relationship is, it cannot be unbridled. Giving each other space is the best respect for a relationship.

Principles can avoid a lot of troubles and conflicts; being sensible can make the relationship enter a virtuous cycle.

I like this sentence: sense of propriety is actually a sign of mature love.

People are different. If you really want to be good to others, you must know the bottom line of others and understand what others care about, so that you can give each other understanding and respect appropriately.

Any relationship is worthy of possession only if you know how to cherish it. The relationship between people can only last a long time if you take good care of it.

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