I Gave Up Coffee for 30 Days

5 things happened in 4 weeks.

Sufyan Maan, M.Eng


I Gave Up Coffee for 30 Days
Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash

Before you start reading the story, I want to let you know that I used to consume 3–4 cups of coffee every day for 9–10 years. On January 9th, 2022, I gave up coffee.

Let’s talk about coffee. I started to drink coffee in 2012 when I moved to North America to pursue a graduate program. Before 2012, Chai (tea) was the primary source of boost energy.

Chai refers to a sweet, fragrant concoction of black tea, milk, and spices. You can add ginger, cloves, cardamom (my favorite), cinnamon, and many more in Chai.

A brief history of coffee

Coffee has a long history, starting back in the 15th century. According to Wikipedia, coffee beans were first exported out of Ethiopia to Yemen to focus during prayers.

History tells us that coffee was first entered Hungary in 1526 at the battle of Mohacs. Later, coffee was introduced on the island of Malta, and soon, coffee became popular in Maltese high society. The word “coffee” was documented in the English language in 1582.

The ability and industriousness with which the Turkish prisoners earn some money, especially by preparing coffee, a powder resembling snuff tobacco, with water and sugar. — Gustav Sommerfeldt



Sufyan Maan, M.Eng

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